Our Environmental & Sustainability Policy

At Uniwine our vision is to be a leader in implementing sustainable business practices. We Practice those policies that minimize harm and maximize benefits to the environment and community, as well as safeguarding the environment for future generations. It is the thought that runs through everything we do: from how we source our ingredients and packaging materials, to the measures we take during production set-up. We do everything possible to lower our carbon footprint.

These steps not only ensure that our products are created with integrity – but they also challenge us to find newer and more innovative ways to sustain our natural world. At Uniwine, we strongly believe that more responsibility for safeguarding the environment should be placed on the producer, and less on the consumer and we achieve it by integrating a series of initiatives into Uniwine’s daily operational, social, and winemaking practices, we are determined to do our bit to protect and preserve the earth’s natural resources as we strive to make great wine with minimal intervention in our contract wineries and associated vineyards. We at Uniwine are committed to this holistic approach to environmental management and aim to achieve sustainable land and biodiversity management outcomes for the present and the future to safeguard the interests of our future generations

Uniwine is committed to:

  • Conducting business in such a way that environmental challenges are managed as an integral part of the entire business chain
  • Complying with all applicable legislation, regulations, and codes of practice of our country
  • Ensuring that all the employees are fully aware of our environment & Sustainability Policy and remain committed to implementing it
  • Minimizing the impact on sustainability of all office and transportation activities
  • Make customers and supply chain vendors aware of our Sustainability Policy and encourage them to adopt the same standards in To meet these commitments we’ve adopted comprehensive

Environmental Management System (EMS) and an innovative Strategic Plan. We’re committed to demonstrating leadership in Corporate Social

Responsibility, recognizing the important connection between the environment, good business and the community.

Our actions to Put These Principles into Practice:

  • We reduce the consumption of virgin materials in production chain and do our best to reduce the waste generation
  • Entire team of Uniwine is committed to avoid physically travelling to meetings etc. where alternatives are available and practical, such as using teleconferencing, video conferencing or web cams, and efficient timing of meetings to avoid multiple trips as these options are often time efficient,

while delivering the benefits of regular contact with clients and partners at the same time

  • The entire distribution chain at Uniwine is committed to exploring more efficient methods of transporting the products to customers
  • Uniwine Vintner’s entire production team is efficiently working to reduce water usage and improve water efficiency at all contract wineries/ bottling units and contracted vineyards
  • We at Uniwine are always committed to reduce greenhouse energy consumption by good housekeeping in the wine production processes, distribution, and office operations
  • Uniwine source more environmentally friendly product packaging options that are either biodegradable or have been made with reclaimed and sustainably sourced materials that are then themselves recyclable and our business practices has made significant progress in meeting this target as all cans used at Uniwine Brands are fully recyclable; in fact they’re infinitely In furtherance, all of our packaging cartons contain between 50% and 70% recycled cardboard
  • Uniwine has we commissioned a state-of-the-art water recycling facility. This facility recycles 100% of the waste water generated by our winery and bottling hall for re-use at the site facility only. In addition to the recycling of waste water, all of the Rain water and associated run off from the winery buildings is also harvested and used effectively
  • At Uniwine we source all our grapes from local Tribal Growers and encourage them to participate in grape supplies contracts whenever possible and buy grape supplies from those growers who actively practice sustainable and age old cultivation methods of local viticulture
  • We at Uniwine insist on Minimization of Pesticides with all our grape contract suppliers and strictly follow the guidelines of Agrochemicals recommended for use in Indian Viticulture. We take special attention on Insecticide application in the vineyards and try to minimize it at all the times and to ensure this we continuously involved in vineyard monitoring for all spraying
  • Uniwine always provides a copy of our Environment and Sustainability Policy in all our proposals to suppliers to develop awareness


Rajiv Seth

Co-Founder and CEO Uniwine Vintners

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